Platinum Home Healthcare Services is 100% percent Zimbabwean company, which specializes in the training of Home Healthcare Service Providers since 2018.
We also have Caregivers who are well trained to specialize in providing daily, weeekly assistance to elderly, very ill or disabled individuals. Our Caregivers are Committed to not only caring for these patients but are willing to live with them and to give them the kind of assistance that they require. Our Caregivers provide an individualized service that you can trust.
We strictly follow laws and health safety regulations, ensuring our best work whilst keeping our Caregivers and Patients safe. Feel better in the comfort of your own home.
SERVICESPlatinum Home Healthcare Services was founded on the principle that healthcare get better care at home, the place they most want to be. From the nurse assistant or aide in the home, to hundreds of well trained and experienced caregivers supporting their work.
Delivering that care is our highest priority and greatest joy.
"I strongly suggest this company for anyone. It's a place to begin a career. Classes taught by experts."
"Your physio therapy sessions really helped me. Many thanks to your professional carer."
"Your caregivers are really professional and l have never had any issues with them."
"Your program really made a positive difference in my life. Now lm a professional in my area of expertise."